

If you were working for the UN, which job would like to do using your English abilities? Why?http://www.unic.or.jp/

If I were working for the UN, I want to work at NGO member.
Because I want to make a contribution for poor people in the world.

Maybe, I don't have ability of educationist but if I have a chance to teaching to they and thier children, I want to try do my best.

Personal space

1. You're talking to a co-worker. How close do you stand?

Maybe... about 15-30centimeter.

2. You're talking to a friend. Do you touch each other?

I am frequently touch other person who is a old friend.

3. Look at the diagram of a watching room. Where do you sit when you enter?
I want to sit next to the door or wall by preference.

4. You're in a crowded elevator. Where do you look?

I always spend time doing nothing.

5. You're standing in line. How close do you stand to the person in front?

Hmm.........about 20 centimeter.

6.You get on the bus. There is an empty row of seats at the back, and an empty seat close by. Where do you sit?

I sit at the back.

7. You're in a library and there's an empty seat beside you. Do you want to stop someone sitting there? If so, how?
I want to stop. but I always try to think that I'm unlucky this time.

8. You're going to the beach. Do you like to see lots of people or very few?

If I wear swimsuit, I want to see very very few people...

9. When you're talking to someone, do you look them in the eye?

I'm shy, but I try to look them in the eye especially I'm angry.

10. You're on a train. Do you talk to the other passengers?

Maybe...I talk.

Class #9 Reflections

a. When do children usually leave home?

I think that children would better off to leave home after they get a job.

.b. How many people live in your home?

4 people. But my sister(age 33) lives in Oita now, because she often get transferred in Japan.

c. Do you have a head of the family?

My father. he is a our financial minister...

d.Who does the housework?

Hmmm......It's a little difficult to me. Maybe my mother. but I always cooking every dinner and washing dishes. My father and mother are working parents.

.e. Who runs the family?

My father.

f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in?

4 rooms.



It's my chart.

I think that the personality is important because I'm kidding!

All joking aside, If, I get a marriage, I want to discuss with my partner about anything which are our life, future, vacation and so on.

This point is a very very important to me.

umm...The other categories are my dreams *laught



1.How do people greet someone they've just met?

I say "Hello" and smile

2. How do you greet members of your family?

I say "Good morning"..Ohayo and so on.

3. Do you hug members of your family

I Never with Dad.

4. How do you greet people who are important in society?

I will say "Hello" and introduce my name and so on.

5. Do you greet people of the opposite sex in a different way?

umm..........No? maybe

No.6. Are the customs the same all over your country?

I think so.


Welcome Colgateuniversity Students !

I talked with boy who name is a Chris
He is a 19years old and living in near the Canada...He was a very friendly for us.

We talked about girlfriend, boyfriend, family, pet, movie.....and more!

He recommended obama who is candidate to president of the United States.
I thought that we have to more interest for our government.

Names and Adress

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

I think that Every men has his humor(Japanese proverb..十人十色), but Japanese nationality is a little shy too.

First, I was little nervous before that day, but I think that we were friendly from first to last.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.


3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

I think it's.....Kimoi (Kimochiwarui=you suck)


World Religions

How do you greet people in your life?

When I meet someone new, I always identify myself.

If people is a my friend and relative , I say Good morning , Hello (name)...

Is it different for different people?

No, It's a my policy.

How so and why?

I think that this act is very important and natural even if he or she is a my friend... well for me.

Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?

I touch people who is a good friend for me very well but never touch my teachers and older persons.

After all, I think that have to think where someone is and remember my place.



Hi, It's a beautiful day today.

I was worrided because wasn't able to log on...so re-registerd my e-mail and password.
I'm not good at using computer and so tired...haha

*How am I dawily life affected by Buddhism?

It's a little difficult quistion for me.

I think that our family have no religion at all, but strangely I buy gifts for some friends and family at every Christmas and bend the keep to Budda statue and shelf of gods in my house...

By the way, I hear that my father's family are Zyo-do Shinsyu-(浄土真宗) and my mother's family are Zen-syu-(禅宗). They and their children who are my older sister and me never worry about this thing.

I thought over that what our teatchers had say. It's a interesting! Don't you?

See ya.